Have you found a bug or problem with the new site?

Discussion in 'Site Support' started by Admin, Dec 28, 2017.

  1. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

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    Please post any bugs or problems you encounter on the new site here.
  2. Happy71

    Happy71 Legacy Member

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    I can't logout from the site. Get a 502 bad gateway error.
  3. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

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    It may have something to do with the switch from non-SSL (old site) to the SSL (new site). I have tested the process and it seems to be working fine.

    I created a script to delete all cookies from the site.

    Try that and see if it logs you out. If it does not, then you may have to do it manually in your browser.
  4. avalonity

    avalonity Legacy Member

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    I am getting a message which says that i have reached my download limit. I have only tried to download one item. Could you please provide an explanation? And how do i know when the download ban has been lifted? Also when uploading i realize that there isnt a size limit stated. Please respond, there is a psd that i need to download.
  5. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

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    There are download limits in place that vary for non-logged in members versus logged-in members, but they are more than reasonable for most people. Just wait a little while and try again.
  6. anthonycalixto

    anthonycalixto New Member

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    Yes, when logged in, when I go to a psd it says submitted by my username instead of the username of the person who actually submitted the psd.
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  7. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

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    It's just a display error I am sure and an easy fix. I will see if I can locate it.

    Thank you for letting me know about it!
  8. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

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    It should be fixed now!
  9. anthonycalixto

    anthonycalixto New Member

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  10. Kingindesigns

    Kingindesigns Legacy Member

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    When downloading PSD files on MAC runing OSX High Sierra my downloads get stuck half way. PSD Wont download fully for me.
  11. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

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    I will look into it, but everything seems to be working fine based on the download logs.

    PERSIAMOON New Member

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    I'm having the same issue as @Kingindesigns. But it's on MAC OS X Sierra.
  13. overide02

    overide02 New Member

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    My downloads only seem to partially finish...always seem to stop the download @ 75% of the download...I can't get a full download of PSD's...But the PNG's seem to do fine...
  14. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

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    It would help if you could tell me the OS and the web browser you are using.

    I have not had any issues on Mac or Windows with Chrome or Firefox, but Safari seems to fail quite often with "The network connection was lost" and there are a lot of other people reporting the same issues with Safari throughout the internet, not just with OP.
  15. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

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    I believe I have located and resolved the download issues for Safari browsers. Please try again and let me know if it works now.
  16. anthonycalixto

    anthonycalixto New Member

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    It's taking long to download images, I have super-fast internet so I know that's not the problem, it's ever since the new site was launched, downloads finish but even images less than 1mb take long to download
  17. vortex507

    vortex507 Legacy Member

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    It happens to me, quite often. I'm using Microsoft Edge + W10!
  18. overide02

    overide02 New Member

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    well, I have tried Microsoft Edge, Chrome and Firefox with it's memory hogging, and all of them seem to start the downloads, and just freeze or stop downloading @ around 74% of the
    download...making the download no use...And to top it all, if you try to re-download that same PSD...it then says, you can't download this twice...help?
  19. overide02

    overide02 New Member

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    oh I forgot to tell you the operating system I have, Windows 10 Home and Windows 10 Pro...
  20. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

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    The previous problem was specific to a bug in Safari itself, but I was able to create a work-around for it.

    I have tested with Firefox and Chrome on Windows and Chrome and Safari on MacOS and all test downloads completed fine for me. I tested both logged in and not logged in (slower transfer speeds) and everything worked fine for those browsers.

    I did encounter a few issues with Microsoft Edge browser, but there's not much I can do about that for now.