We have completely rewritten and replaced the Download System

Discussion in 'Site News' started by Admin, Jan 7, 2018.

  1. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

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    Due to several strange issues with some browser versions, especially Microsoft Edge and Safari, we have completely rewritten and replaced our download system.

    The new download process should be smoother and work much better.
  2. mtouzegraphics

    mtouzegraphics Legacy Member

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    how do I delete some PSD i uploaded?
  3. medojanice

    medojanice New Member

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    this site is awesome for people to offer others pics i have been to this site many times over the years and it is great to see so many choices so i decided i would offer choices too unfortunately some-one obviously has a problem with me doing so because every pic i submit they waste there time clicking dislike pretty sad when all people are doing is giving people choices
    Admin likes this.
  4. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

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    One of the reasons they probably did it was because of the small images you were uploading originally. All small images that do not fit the minimum dimension requirements will be removed soon by the system and along with those, the dislikes associated with each image.

    There is also a bug with the image like/dislike system which may be impacting the voting results that should be fixed soon. During this process we will likely reset all image dislikes because some of them are not legitimate.

    We just reviewed and approved several hundred uploads by you in the last couple of days so that should start to help as well.

    Also, the images you have been uploading are greatly appreciated, but you are using really bad titles for those images and most of the images on the site are found by search. For example, you called one image "Just2" but users search for Justin Beiber will search for "justin" or "beiber" or "Justin Beiber" and will never see that image.
  5. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

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    Right now we do not have that functionality in. It will be added soon though but we needed to wait until we finish a few other back-end things or else we would have had to rewrite the delete process again as well.

    You can replace the image though in the meantime!
  6. medojanice

    medojanice New Member

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  7. medojanice

    medojanice New Member

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    if a pic is of a female what would be a good name to call it ? will there be a catagory called females assorted ? i am kind of confused on what to call a pic can you help me with this
  8. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

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    There are really not any rules regarding titles other than it needs to be descriptive of the image and not contain any offensive language.

    One thing I can tell you is if you put words like "sexy" in the title, you are guaranteeing the system will flag the image as mature which means fewer people will see it. If the image contains nudity or a lot of skin, it will be flagged as mature as well, but you don't want to a guy in a suit or a girl in a dress to be flagged as mature images for no reason other than the image title.

    As for advice, just use 1-2 words that describe the main focus of the image such as car, girl, woman, guy, man, etc. and then add 1-2 additional words that describe the things that stand out. Spelling is important because that's how people find the images, but you don't have to write long image titles, just descriptive ones. "Girl in Red Dress" for example works well. If you upload 5 images of a girl in a red dress, you can use the same name on each of them because it fits each image. You don't have to do "Girl in Red Dress 2" for example, unless you want to of course as that is up to you.

    It's really just about making it easy for people to find your images either through OP's search or in the search engines. If you upload a car image but call it a "Big Tree" for example, no one searching for car images with words like "car" will ever find it.

    One other thing to remember is OP has a lot of female users, so using words like "chick" or "hottie" is not going to help your images get found and many female users will not be a fan of what you called the image. That's not a rule of course, just a suggestion.

    We have no plans to add "Female", "Male" or other gender-based categories because that line is very blurry these days. You can still use gender-based descriptive words (girl, guy, woman, man, etc.) in your image titles though.