How do you like the new site?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Admin, Dec 20, 2017.

  1. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

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    I tested OP with Firefox and have no issues or errors with the site and had a friend check as well and he had no issues either. I also tested uploading using at Mac and Safari and had no issues. It sounds to me like the security message above is specific to the security settings on your browser.
  2. jhi241

    jhi241 Legacy Member

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    Never had any issues with site before everything was changed currently only site i've been to that I get that message even added site to allow list. So I wont use with firefox. Site opens fine and navigates fine with safari but upload feature does not work. will not let me upload image does nothing when I click on it.
  3. futureeternal

    futureeternal New Member

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    It is better and more interesting to brows now. I was confused at first because I haven't visited for a long time. I asked myself am I on the right site? Then I checked again to be sure and I was impressed.
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  4. UrbanoKingz

    UrbanoKingz Legacy Member

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    To be honest I don’t like it at all ‍♂️
    I get more downloads before ‍♂️
  5. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

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    A lot of those downloads on the old site were made by automated bots which is why we had to implement a bot defence system with the new site.

    Give the new site some time. Traffic is slowly increasing to the site and we are working on improving things and adding more features.
  6. Hazrd

    Hazrd Legacy Member

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    To be honest, I think you may need to add sections for people to showcase their work. Right now, when you go to the forums, there's not a clear place to post. Just the "General Discussion." Which to me, doesn't say "Hey post your artwork here!"

    I would start posting more work here if there were sections to post it in.
  7. Static

    Static Legacy Member

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    Glad OP is back after so many years.. long time member! love the new and improve look. hope we can get the forum flowing again like it used to be!
    Admin likes this.
  8. SketchedMedia

    SketchedMedia New Member

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    I agree with this 100% and would like to add another suggestion. In the new artwork section I think it would be cool for a throwback section be added for some of the older users from years ago to post some of their older work, and maybe newer work for comparison, just for nostalgia's sake.