Unable to browse past page 2 in categories

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Sierralauren93, Jul 1, 2018.

  1. Sierralauren93

    Sierralauren93 New Member

    1 Messages
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    For some reason I'm only able to browse the first 2 pages of images of any category or search. If I slick on any page number past 2 it takes me back to page 2
  2. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

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    I have been unable to replicate this problem.

    Can you tell me what platform you are using such as Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, etc. along with the browser you were using?
  3. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

    80 Messages
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    I was finally able to track down what was causing this.

    There was a line of debug code used in testing the new mobile support improvements that was forcing the page navigation to show 10 pages of results even when there were less than 10 pages of results available.

    So you were not actually missing any images, but it was giving the impression there were more available.

    This has been corrected now.

    Thank you for letting me know!