Images blocked for public viewing

Discussion in 'Site Support' started by Happy71, Aug 12, 2018.

  1. Happy71

    Happy71 Legacy Member

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    I have a question why most of my non adult pictures are blocked for non members? Only just a few that are visible for visitors that are not logged on, why?

    And how do i make them visible?

    this for example
  2. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

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    It was just missed due to the image review backlog process. It should be approved now.
  3. Happy71

    Happy71 Legacy Member

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    Thanks but the problem is still there. I think these images are non adult and should not be blocked for public viewing.
  4. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

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    I looked at several of the links you posted and they are viewable by anyone logged in and safe mode disabled.

    The first image you posted was actually missed by the staff and was no longer showing up as unreviewed for some reason. I checked and all of your other images have been reviewed though and are simply flagged as mature.

    The criteria we use for flagging images as "mature" are based primarily on Google's criteria for their ad network, which many ad networks use as well.

    The login requirement is not an issue though as we have thousands of new members sign up every month.

    It is also why we have notices in various areas of the site informing guests that they need to login and disable safe mode to see some of the images which encourages them to signup.
  5. Happy71

    Happy71 Legacy Member

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    But there are lots of images that's not mature and i would like them to show up for public viewing without having to log on to the site.,

    For instance! If i would like to share an image with someone. That person should not have to sign up to view it. There are other ways to share images i know but it would be more conviniant if they just could get the link.

    For mature images i can understand that you want to block them but not images of fully dressed persons, cartoons, effects and different signs. So i really think this is an issue
  6. Happy71

    Happy71 Legacy Member

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    Another reason is that if i would like to use some images at work i don't want to have safe mode turned of for obvious reasons. I believe that's the case for most of the members.

    So i don't understand why this should demand safe mode turned off

    That goes for a lot of the images i put here yesterday and this issue i would like to have resolved
  7. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

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    I understand what you are saying, but again, we use Google's criteria for flagging images as mature, not our personal opinions, because a lot of services and ad networks in the industry use Google's criteria as well. For example, even most shirtless male images will be classified as mature as well as anything to do with drugs, alcohol, etc.

    It is not a moral decision, but rather a business one. Even as it is, the operational costs of running this site exceeds the small amount of revenue it generates.
  8. Happy71

    Happy71 Legacy Member

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    I get what you are saying but the image i referred to above has no person in it nor any mature search criteria. So how can that fall under Google's criteria for mature content?

    Image Title : Light Effects

    Image Description : Beautiful lights

    Image Tags :
    • ,
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      Image Category : Effects

      There are more similar issues. It's these images i would like to be flagged as not mature and accessable without having to turn of safe mode. I don't care about the images with persons.