This should be fixed now. There was a bug where if you searched for an image using keyword (s) or advanced search, it would show unreviewed...
It appears you did find a bug. Those images should not be showing yet as they have not been approved primarily due to the uploader is using the...
Typically when you get that message it means the image had to be removed for some reason.
Welcome to OP! We've just acquired and relaunched the site so our community is just starting out. We will be doing more soon to help get more...
I will look into that. It should work. Did you click SAVE CHANGES after the upload?
The original design plan for OP was to go with a more themed approach, but I decided to go more streamlined and simple halfway through because it...
The limits are in place to prevent abuse, which was surprisingly rampant before the new site launched. Currently, the limit is higher than 10...
Yes, soon. I have it set to increase rates as you participate on the site over time. That said, I am still tweaking the settings and plan to...
Awesome!! :D
All images from the old site were converted to the new site. That said, Safe Mode is enabled by default, so you have to login and disable Safe...
Try now! I added a couple more headers to help force the content type to the appropriate file extension.
Due to several strange issues with some browser versions, especially Microsoft Edge and Safari, we have completely rewritten and replaced our...
The previous problem was specific to a bug in Safari itself, but I was able to create a work-around for it. I have tested with Firefox and...
You can post it here in this thread.
I believe I have located and resolved the download issues for Safari browsers. Please try again and let me know if it works now.
There was a strange scenario causing Safari downloads to fail near the end of the download process no matter the file size of the download. This...
It would help if you could tell me the OS and the web browser you are using. I have not had any issues on Mac or Windows with Chrome or...
There were a couple of issues with large downloads timing out before they completed the download process, but they should be working correctly...
I will look into it, but everything seems to be working fine based on the download logs.
Awesome! :D