We’re excited to announce that OfficialPSDs has been acquired by new ownership Since launching in 2006—nearly two decades ago—OfficialPSDs has...
I understand what you are saying, but again, we use Google's criteria for flagging images as mature, not our personal opinions, because a lot of...
I looked at several of the links you posted and they are viewable by anyone logged in and safe mode disabled. The first image you posted was...
It was just missed due to the image review backlog process. It should be approved now.
Since you have downloaded over 3,000 images, I think you are doing quite well.
There are multiple checks in place. The first one is 24 hours.
There are various download limits in place and it seems you have reached one or more of them. The download logs clear over time so you will...
I was finally able to track down what was causing this. There was a line of debug code used in testing the new mobile support improvements that...
I have been unable to replicate this problem. Can you tell me what platform you are using such as Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, etc. along with the...
The following updates are now live .. The Official PSDs logo has been replaced with a new logo that will begin appearing for most users soon....
We had an issue after upgrading the OP servers, but this should be fixed now.
There is no way to do that at the moment, but since all images are manually approved, no one sees the broken image until then and I can delete it....
There is no user account named "artbygage" on the site.
The following updates are now live .. Due to the increasing number of new images being uploaded, we made a few improvements to the review...
A lot of those downloads on the old site were made by automated bots which is why we had to implement a bot defence system with the new site....
The following updates are now live .. We have fixed several issues with the LIKE and DISLIKE system for images and have written scripts to...
I tested OP with Firefox and have no issues or errors with the site and had a friend check as well and he had no issues either. I also tested...
There are really not any rules regarding titles other than it needs to be descriptive of the image and not contain any offensive language. One...
Right now we do not have that functionality in. It will be added soon though but we needed to wait until we finish a few other back-end things or...
One of the reasons they probably did it was because of the small images you were uploading originally. All small images that do not fit the...